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I am ever inspired by the inward journey of self love and healing. Our bodies are capable of healing themselves and I am passionate about using the various holistic modalities I have trained in and learnt, to aid others in their own journeys. My goal is to create a space of renewal and self inquiry, where people can learn to witness themselves as they are, without judgement, achieving mindful living through a combination of meditation, yoga and breathwork. I believe that we are all here to learn to live with our own humanness, to be with what is and to grow from our experiences with gratitude and love, to be embodied in daily life and to embrace the beauty that is found in connection to Source, to all life.

I began my yoga practice in 2005, but it wasn’t until 2016 that I really deepened my knowledge and experience of the practice, embarking on the journey of yoga teacher training with Jim Harrington. I am now a qualified yoga instructor, certified through the International Yoga Alliance.  I trained in the Ashtanga Vinyasa style of yoga and am experienced in Kundalini yoga, too. I alternate between teaching an energetic flow with a more relaxed and restorative flow and like to incorporate breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation. Breath is a key element in yoga. Breath is connection. Combining different breathing techniques with yoga allows the body to begin its detoxification process. This is when the healing begins. I have completed a course in Breathwork as well as a course in yogic pranayama breathing. I have found so many benefits in practicing breathwork and I breathe weekly with my coach. It is truly a space for deep connection to self in a loving and deeply healing way. 


Breathwork or pranayama as it is referred to in yogic traditions, forms a big part of yoga practice. Although I have been doing pranayama as long as I have been teaching yoga, it wasn't until 2019 that I had my first taste of conscious breathwork. This changed my life. I have since done my foundation course through Breathwork Africa and have been under the guidance of my own coach Ericka Allison. I am interested in the transformational aspect to conscious breathwork and would love to carry this gift to my students and society. The more we learn how to breathe consciously, the more we strengthen our body's own innate healing capabilities.


My journey of healing and self discovery has also brought me to mindfulness practice and working with energy as a form of healing. I have completed a mindfulness level I, II, III and master course. I have also completed my reiki level I, II and master course, my forensic energy healing course and The Art of Healing course with Sabine Thomas, which works with subtle energy. I have also completed a meditation course called Internal Alchemy, The Art of Meditation with Burgs. I began meditating at the age of 16 to combat depression and anxiety common in teenagers in a competitive and demanding world. It was around this time that I was also introduced to the subtle healing technique of Sat Nam Rasayan®. This is a practice of accessing a specific meditative state of awareness known as the projective meditative mind. It is from this space that the practitioner becomes transcendent and in the vastness of their consciousness, healing will happen.


I focus largely on energy systems within the body as well as various breathwork techniques and believe the key to living a balanced and embodied life lies in a holistic and energy-focused approach of constant self inquiry. When we breath consciously, when we drop into the space within, when we take that inward journey, we learn to live from our heart space and that is where the magic happens.

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